Image by Sydney Helland
Live a life already designated
Spelled out to the last T
We thrive on the stories of God
Writhe as we imagine our future
A double sided smile so sickening
Do we know who we really are?
Promises as real as fairy tales
So we throw out our potential
We never have to come to terms
With the reality that we can be much more
Instead hold such promises like gold to a king
A status so high, we are forced to believe
This is the truth, this is who we should be
And everything else is just a fantasy
Our faith is awarded ten feet deep
God wrote it, it must be true
Women are whores if the ring isn’t on
If you’ve got the same package
You’re a whore all your life
This is what god wrote. It has to be true.
So we live out our lives as God’s word says
Mapped out to our very last breath
We are thrilled at the thought of power
And ignore the reality screaming inside
Break free, break free, break free.