Photography by Devon Butler
Within, a little self harm never hurt anyone,
And you can play for it by playing against it.
Your tools are sharpened and updated without consent,
So when you compete, make it look real.
He slid toward and missed, repeatedly.
A man would have cried, but he was a boy;
He laughed.
Confidently disguised and disguised in confidence,
You are whatever makes the most comfortable.
When everything is a silhouette,
Dead ends are an easy find,
And the city’s blind,
And the warlord kind.
Quickly come, quickly go, so create on plastic,
As “most blasts survived” remains a confusing achievement.
Blurring the lines of reality,
Success was a detectable amount of undetected presence.
He retracted with ease as she easily extracted,
And pleasure came in the congress of rejection.
In bed with chemicals that, when used, create a start;
The domestic danger remains hidden with music and teeth.
A real person provoked and played pathologically,
Will only dive to close out the show, or make the marquee.
In a fashionable lab coat love is inspired,
The others see colour and ready their “lying face”.
Create headlines for pennies while the square follows,
And we’ll see reactors preferred to protectors.
Youth’s debt was paid and repaid in passwords,
So the eye would visibly grow.
A destructive brew for every blue.
Join the submission and hope for sense;
Smile when they take your pants.