Is est securus occumbo, ferreus ut orior oriri ortus.
How I flout at you oh failure!
I sneer and scoff upon you.
teeming, seething, breeding.
Oh, how we have met before
in mystical epic war.
You, with heads of tedious serpent
I, a surly peasant.
Your constant challenge I do await
it is you that I do bait.
relentless, heinous, omnipotence.
I watch you amongst the present,
lurking in your yellow shadow
licking your tongue into the corners
of the night,
goose-stepping behind me crying
“Sieg Heil” thrice.
Oh failure, release my weapon bearing hand,
your lines taunt as a snickering farceur
frightening my beloved muse.
Oh, mischievous usurper of my peace,
your snide ways captured their minds.
plath, hemingway, poe.
You riddle them, you riddle me,
“Oh failure, I chant your terrifying name!”
Dare you not take your bow!
“Satis est satis” so pray, let me lay.
You, headless Winged Victory,
how you are within me!