Let me learn the etymology of our kisses.
From the German Kϋssen, the Swedish kyssa, the Norwegian kysse.
Two mouths closed and open against each other, molding bodies around each other.
Did you know when you press your mouth against my neck, we are becoming another part of the history of love
making. When we savour each kiss we are in the classic Latin saviori, meaning we are having an “erotic kiss”
Because quick kisses aren’t going to make this girl melt.
And even if I try to push you off, we are going to sink together.
These kisses are going to last forever, and I know you think that commitment is scary (so do I) but you’ve already tread over my skin with your hands, and stared at my eyes enough to keep those memories going.
v. to express affection by touching this part of you to me. I don’t think I want you to stop touching this part for a while.
n. the kiss of death, which “signifies impending failure”.
The last kiss on your lips to mine, as I take you out my life on a warm September night, or a cool morning. But that failure, that kiss, will only keep that fire ablaze and maybe I’ll reconsider your fate.