At The Park

Art piece holding heart while sitting on wall

by Amichai Abraham

Art piece holding heart while sitting on wall

The wind blows through my hair, but my hat remains on my head tight.

A family is having a picnic; boy, are they in for a fright.

“Goodness gracious!… Golly gee!… Oh my!” I hear all at once.

They think I’m a fool, but they’re the ones staring at my dunce.

Some people have begun taking pictures of me; I’ve never thought of myself as a model.

Apparently, I remind some of them of Donald Duck; wait until they see me do my waddle.

These people must have a thing for basements because they keep looking downstairs.

They tell me that this is no way to get women; what do they know of my love affairs? 

A teenager zips past me and falls off his board; he must be learning how to skate.

He says it looks like a train hauling bulk goods; just call me a freight.

How bizarre; I think the lady over there is calling the police.

Even stranger is that people have begun surrounding me; they’re offering me their fleece.

The police arrive and stare at me in disbelief.

“You’re all just jealous,” I yell at them, “You’ve all chosen to be confined to your briefs!”

They handcuff me, but I stand erect, proud, and maintain my composure.

“Tell me what I’m being arrested for!” I demand. The cop replies, “Indecent exposure.”